This is #mywhy: how I cope with my handicap and depression

     It has been very difficult to write, there are times when I feel as if my inspiration is on permanent hiatus. At the very young age of 25,  my life seems very stagnant, no major changes or significant achievements. I’ve gotten closer to God I read the Bible way more than what I used to. Philippians Matthew John Mark Luke Corinthians 1 and two. My therapist told me from time to time that I have a strong need to be acknowledged at first it really bothered me, then after a while, I came to the same conclusion that he did. Writing for me has always been a way to express myself in ways that I could not when having regular everyday conversations. Since I am disabled you could say that writing is my way of walking. When I write I can go anywhere I want to go or do anything I wanted to do. No one judge me when someone reads my work even if just for a moment sometimes they forget that I have a disability, they actually respect what I have to say opinions included. They judge the content of the page or pages.

     A very euphoric feeling takes place when a person fully understands your point of view. There is no room for debate, they have actually taken the time to understand why you have the point of you that you do. Awesome filling although it doesn’t happen very often when it does you appreciate it, you have experienced the ultimate form of validation UNDERSTANDING. Diffusion, the spreading of something more widely. This process takes place every day amongst people out in the world around the water cooler and in classrooms. The way that I practice diffusion is by writing, I share simple ideas hoping that the ideas I share will spread to a much wider audience. My ultimate hope is to find like-minded people were willing to do the work that it takes to make a difference in the world, that’s #mywhy. A simple yet a complex explanation that explains the reason why ever started writing in the first place.


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