I just want to be Acknowledged

when we are born, we have not idea who we're born to be. As we grow we begin the process of figuring out who we really are. This process could take our whole lives to complete. I was born May 15, 1992, the doctors told my parents I would never walk or talk. The doctor said not to expect much out of me, they claimed I was not live past the age of five. As you can see they were wrong, I am now twenty-one years old. I have graduated high school, and even completed a year of college. I laugh now as I look back, life, when I was younger I thought I could do anything. I was going to play professional football in the NFL. I was going to be a singer, I was going to sell millions of records and make a lot of money. Since the age of five, I have always wondered if I died today what would people say about me? I've always wanted to leave behind a lasting legacy something that someone could read about and become inspired. When I was in high school it was very difficult for me on signing day. Although there are many people who don't get a chance to play college football in college, I almost certainly know that if I was in a wheelchair and I didn't have cerebral palsy I would be playing football.

I know what you're thinking, you're crazy how do you really know what you would be doing if you want in a wheelchair, considering the fact that you been one for almost your whole life. To the skeptics I say this is a feeling you get when you find your true calling and when I rolled out onto the football field for the first time in a twelve grade I got that feeling, I knew that if I wasn't in a chair this is what I will be doing with my life. I love to hear a good motivational speech from a coach who is trying to inspire his team to win a game. I love to see the fire and the players eyes, it excites me. Most of all I love to watch someone do the hard work to get to where they want to be. When I was in high school I went through many phases, one of the phases that I am still fighting my way through is the desires to be knowledge to be acknowledged and respected. The reason why football means so much to me is because the harder work in football the more praise you receive. Everyone knows that if you are praised you are acknowledged. Some of the best football players in the world rather in college are the pros getting the knowledge to every day. That's all I've ever wanted to be acknowledged.
