my opinion about the Michael Brown/Ferguson story

everybody keeps talking about what it looked like. This situation has nothing to do with what anybody saw. This situation has to do with what one person felt. In this case, this person felt scared. He felt like he was going to be attacked. In his mind, he had to prevent that from happening. There are many who feel he had absolutely nothing to prevent. However, we do not have the right to tell this particular person how to feel, or how to act because he felt that particular way.I believe that this situation should be used to show America a little of an effort we put into evaluating our police officers.seems like the modern-day Cop is trained to shoot first and ask questions later. There is no protocol if you feel scared you have a gun so you should use it. That's how it appears to me, this is what we should be in an uproar over. I would hate to be rolling down the street, and get shot by A cop because he felt like I was going to charge him with my wheelchair.
