
I have been on this earth for twenty-two years when I was two years old I was diagnosed with a disability. The doctors told me that I would never walk or talk, I was not supposed  to live past the age of five. I am so grateful that every challenge that I have faced I have been able to defeat. Most of the people that I've encountered have said that I'm too ambitious. I always hear them say you are living in a fantasy land, you need to face reality you are disabled. I always hear that my disability will stop me from having a normal life. I never am able to do the things that an average twenty-two-year-old does.

For several years I do not know how to respond to them, to be honest, I started to believe that what they were saying was true. I would never be anything more than just a guy in a wheelchair. Everyone in my life always gave me generic compliments, you're so smart. One day you're going to change the world. I never really believed in what they said, I was always thinking negative. I thought the only reason why people said nice things to me or about me was because they felt sorry for me. I've spent the last few months trying to change my way of thinking. I desperately desire to think more positive. Although I have a disability, I have accepted the fact that it is my destiny not to be defined by it. The truth is I may be the biggest pipe dreamer in the world. However, I'm still thankful that I've got the ability to dream. Just because it is a little bit harder for me to do things, that doesn't mean I'm not meant to do anything at all. God didn't give me working legs. He gave me a very powerful mind. He also gave me an unstoppable desire to use my mind so that I can achieve great things.

James 2:14-26

what I try to live my life for
check out the Bible verse
