How to make the world a better place (My Big Idea)

I wonder sometimes if people really think about some of the morals and views that have actually chosen to believe in. In the year 2014, it is very interesting to know that there are so many close-minded people, who refer to themselves as open-minded. We are so quick to judge each other for things that we cannot control. The color of our skin, or why we love someone doesn't have the same skin color as us. One of the things that are a personal frustration for me is trying to explain to people that I did not ask to be born this way. I did not ask for the color of my skin or my disability that makes me appear different in someone else's eyes.

I'm just a young man who is simply trying to make the world a better place. I have feelings and emotions just like you do. At the age of twenty-two my desire to find a companion is growing stronger each and every day that I'm alive.once you get used to being alone, eventually, you're going to grow tired of the feeling "loneliness". Most of the people who tell you-you will find someone one day, already have the love of their life now.I have a very strong opinion about why there are so many single people in the world we are so focused on what we want instead of what we need. There are so many of us who say we want to help people. However when the opportunity comes along because it's not the right opportunity, in other words, the opportunity we think were supposed to have. We don't take the opportunity that is given to us .Men should help women, women should encourage helpful men.

Although most of the time we do not succeed or at least not in the way we hope to, we wake up every day with the goal to be better than closing, instead of separating and blaming each other for the reasons why the world is in a better place. We need to come together as man and woman regardless of race and disability and create people who can make the world a better place.
