happy new year (my New Year's reflection)

I posted my first blog six months ago. Now that I think about it, it may have been over a year. May 15 that was the exact day. I started this blog to give people a glimpse into my life, to gain exposure for my brand. This year while somewhat a repeat of the last one, has been very eventful. I have finally began to take control of my life, to make decisions for myself. Instead of taking to heart the opinions of those who mean the most to me. While not at all saying that you should never take advice from your family or friends, I am simply say that at the end of the day, rather you choose to do all of what they told to do or some of what they told you to do. You are the one that has to do it, whatever it may be. That is one of the most important lessons I have ever learned in my life. Being totally and completely honest, I must admit that I am not at all finished learning that lesson.

some may say after reading this blog, that I learned absolutely nothing this year. However I respectfully disagree. The one thing I have learned this year is that I'm still learning. Although for some that may be an asinine idea. In my eyes that's a milestone. Before this year I was in such a rush to become great, as this year comes to a close I have suddenly realized; that I'm just now starting to appreciate my greatness.

Thank you to all my readers, I don't know who you are and I may never get the opportunity to find out. I just want to say thank you for all the support you have given me this year. I look forward to the times we will share in the future. Happy new year
